Hey everybody, I've got a true test for the
power of the AmeriCorps network... If you believe in the work we all do, and
think more people should know about it, PLEASE READ ON!!
this week, on The Daily Show, Jon Stewart and guest Sebastian Junger were
lamenting the fact that there is no "non-military, domestic national
service program" that enabled people to work to improve their country at
home. WE, of course, know that such a thing DOES exist... AmeriCorps!
few of us folks have gotten together and decided to try bring this to the
attention of the Daily Show, Jon Stewart, and The Corporation for National and
Community Service, through tweeting messages with the intention of going
viral... AmeriCorps active and alumni members is a huge and tight-knit network,
so we think it could work. The ultimate goal would be to get an AmeriCorps rep
(probably Wendy Spencer) to be invited as a guest on the Daily Show, spread the
word, and talk about the great work we all do! We're trying to use the #AmeriCorpsOnTDS (AmeriCorps
on the Daily Show) as the tag to go viral...
If you've got a
twitter, @mention @TheDailyShow, @AmeriCorps or @WendyCSCS. and PLEASE be sure
to share this and encourage any other AmeriCorps folks you know. VISTA's if you
have a PSO Training group on FB, that'd be perfect, as would the Austin
AmeriCorps Alumni Group.
My twitter handle is @ScottZienty, so feel free to find me
and retweet any of the ones I've made, or come up with your own.
We appreciate your help, and let's get #AmeriCorpsOnTDS!!!